You+Me: ‘rose ave.’ Album Review

The latest trend for album promotion seems to be an absence of promotion. Gone are the days of endless lead up and anticipation, complete with teasers, trailers and endless interviews. More and more big names are dropping musical bombs, with Pink becoming the latest artist to release more music without jumping on the publicity bus as she releases her latest offering, rose ave.

It was a subtle release that took many by surprise, due in part to her complete departure from her standard style and identity. Ditching punk rock supremacy and her hardline identity as Pink, she has reverted back to her birth name. Recording as Alecia Moore and teaming up with Dallas Green, they have delivered a new album at an entirely different pace and under a new name, You+Me.

Having worked together and created a brilliant working relationship, the pair found a synergy with their musical styling that led them to the recording studio together. The result is something that wanders between folk and soul, a beautiful harmonic album that strips away the pop-fame fanfare and puts their music and vocals on full display.

This isn’t a huge departure from where we’ve seen Pink before, previous albums have seen harmonic folk ballads such as “Dear Mr. President” and “I Have Seen the Rain.” However, these tracks have always been an add on or an after thought, something to bring light and shade to her party rock anthems. This time there is no party girl and no anthems, only the harmonies of two great friends and their guitars.

The result is a stroke of musical magic. There will always be a difference between an album that is created for commercial success and one that is created from a place of creativity and passion. Each song is as haunting and moving as the next, becoming easier and easier to drift away with the words and melodies. As with all her music there is again something deeply personal and moving about this work, the raw emotion is laid bare, the music stripped back and accompanied only by the simplest of guitar and piano instrumentals. The listener is on a journey with the pair and it’s easy to get lost there with them.

You and Me’” is the lead single and a perfect sampling of what to expect from this album. It is simple, moving and haunting whilst also upbeat and optimistic, the perfect way to highlight the synchronicity of their vocals as a duo. “Break the Cycle” is another standout track, drawing the listener in gently before picking up the pace and rolling forwards as it builds and leads into the next track seamlessly. Each track is a standalone song on it’s own, with it’s own unique story, whilst still blending together song by song with a seamless fluidity.     

It feels like this is the album Pink has been wanting to release, perhaps she never having the time or artistic freedom to step so far outside of the box before? There is a sense that perhaps this is a musical cleansing, a chance to really step out of the shadows of pop music and declare herself as an artist. For Dallas Green, an artist with significantly less notoriety, it is the perfect opportunity to present himself to the world. Never once is he over shadowed by Pink. He holds is own beside her firmly, complementing her where necessary and stepping forward to take the reigns as he feels.

Overall this is a perfectly constructed album that really highlights the diversity of Pink. Perhaps it may be the first of many steps that begin to separate herself and Alecia Moore as two separate identities? Lyrically the words have as much depth and strength, if not more, than her previous works and continue to highlight her work as a songwriter and singer. Both vocals are flawless, with a melodic musical accompaniment that is next to perfection.

It’s hard to find the flaws in this work. Some who are attached to Pink’s previous music may take issue with her departure from her signature style, others who can appreciate a wonderful vocal and striking lyric will fall in love. Give it a go and fall in love all over again.