We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you probably did not know about Waze, and now we’re back with part two! Check out eight more fascinating facts about the navigation and traffic tracking app that you definitely (probably) did not know below. You might be surprised by what you find out!
Number Eight: It Helps You Remember Your Favorite Places. If you have a favorite place to visit, you can save it under Favorites in Waze. You can also remove places from Favorites later if you move or decide you don’t like the destination after all.
Number Seven: It Lets You De-Clutter Your Route. Using the app can be a bit of an overwhelming experience, and all of Waze’s features don’t exactly lend it to the cleanest display. To make the app’s display less cluttered, you can select the option to show only the most important icons on the map.
Number Six: It Saves You Money. If you’re tired of spending more on gas than you have to, then Waze is here to help! The app lets users explore nearby gas stations and find the cheapest one around.
Number Five: It Keeps Your Friends From Guessing. There are some apps that let people track exactly where other people are, which can be helpful for a parent. However, Waze has developed a less creepy feature that allows users to send their ETA to their friends or family as long as that friend or family member also has Waze.
Number Four: It Keeps Track of You When You’re Not Using It. If you’re not careful, anyway. Make sure to put Waze in sleep mode when you’re not using it, or else it will track your location at all times.
Number Three: It Has an Interesting Record in Israel. If you didn’t know already, Waze was developed in Israel and was purchased by Google in 2013. As part of the buyout, Google paid each of the app’s 100 employees a hefty $1.2 million, which amounted to the largest employee payout in Israeli high-tech history.
Number Two: It Has a Full Map in Almost Every Major Metropolitan Area. Because the app relies on community use to properly function, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that most densely populated regions have full maps. In fact, every major metro area has a full map on Waze except for China.
Number One: It’s Not Foolproof. Waze has been lauded for its user-friendly interface and real-time updates, but it’s not entirely foolproof. Some users have successfully faked their own locations and others have successfully faked traffic jams. We hope you enjoyed our list of 15 things you didn’t know about Waze!