Uber and Spotify to Let Passengers DJ the Ride

Uber and Spotify, the two instant-gratification darlings of modern innovation (rivaled only by Seamless), have announced a new partnership today. The two services are now teaming up to allow Spotify users to control the music in Uber cars.

The partnership was first hinted at on Friday evening and formally confirmed this morning in a press call. Travis Kalanick, the CEO behind the modern cab service and Daniel Ek, the CEO behind the modern music service, described their relationship as a “win-win.”

Spotify users are now able to access their music libraries through the Uber app and control exactly what pumps through the speakers during their ride. The press release has the air of a magic trick. “When your ride arrives, your tunes will be playing on the speakers.”

“This is a way for us to reach a younger, a more millennial audience,” said Ek. “For Uber, it’s the first time we’ve personalized the music inside the car and for music lovers, that’s nirvana,” said Kalanick.

Many users are excited to start personalizing their trips, but there has also been quite a bit of backlash over the idea. Several people have raised concerns about the safety of this new feature, and the possibility that a disruptive music choice could distract the driver.

Although Kalanick has stated that drivers will be able to choose whether they allow their passengers to DJ the ride, many claim they really do not have a choice. Since the success of the Uber drivers is determined by user feedback, they may face negative ratings if they do not make the feature available. Kalanick pointed out that drivers can also control the volume. However, they may be hesitant to turn down the death metal a click or two if it could result in a poor review.

One driver voiced their frustration on UberPeople, a forum for Uber drivers. “This particular issue has the makings of a lot of potential lawsuits. Bad move on Uber’s part. It’s hard enough to get the drunks home without being distracted by their perpetual disturbances…just a vehicle of loud, obnoxious drunks is punishment enough. Adding loud music only adds another unsafe condition for the drivers.”

Nonetheless, a new page on Spotify says that Uber is “now taking your requests.” You can check it out and start connecting here.