Top 7 Budget-Friendly Date Ideas He’ll Love

Date night can come with a lot of pressure, especially if you’re in charge of planning the date ideas. Ladies, listen up, because date night doesn’t have to be a budget-busting disaster. Below are seven easy and interesting date ideas your significant other will love.

Number Seven: Cook For Him. It’s no secret that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Contrary to popular belief, most men don’t expect their girlfriends to cook for them, which is why he’ll appreciate it even more when you suggest it for date night. It’s all about the presentation: light some candles, buy some nice(ish) red wine, and throw on whatever tunes turn you on. Just try not to cook anything too heavy if you plan on getting hot and heavy later.

Number Six: Go to a Free Concert. Sure, outdoor concerts in the summertime can be hot, sticky, and generally obnoxious. However, with a loved one, they can also be a great time. Try and find a free outdoor concert that either goes all day or starts in the evening; that way, you’ll miss the super hot sun, along with everyone who’s already been drinking all day. Bring a blanket and some snacks for a little extra romance.

Number Five: Create a Scavenger Hunt. This idea takes a little more effort, but it’s worth it. Your scavenger hunt can be simple – like writing five to 10 clues that end in your favorite cheap restaurant – or complex – maybe you’d rather keep him guessing all day, trekking all over the city and ending at the place you first met. Ultimately, it’s up to you. The beauty is that he’ll realize the creativity behind it is all your own.

Number Four: Plan a Game Night. This is especially appealing for all the competitive couples out there. It’s science: competing with one another will increase your adrenaline, which will, in turn, increase your arousal, which will, well…you get the picture. Be sure to play a mixture of games you both like to keep it exciting for everyone.

Number Three: Attend a Talk or Lecture. This idea may sound dull or boring at first, but being intellectual with your boo can actually be quite stimulating. Pick a topic that interests both of you, and go in with an open mind. Have drinks afterward and discuss what you agree and disagree with. You might just learn something new!

Number Two: Check Out a Museum. Some museum admission prices can be expensive, but on certain days, many museums are free, or at least, pay-what-you-want. Pick a rainy Saturday, and explore Ancient worlds together. The quiet atmosphere and rich history will have you really feeling the romance.

Number One: Visit an Animal Shelter. It’s true: a dog is a man’s best friend. With that in mind, there’s no better free and rewarding date than surprising your guy with a trip to the local animal shelter. Not only will he get to visit with some seriously cute pups, but the animals will get the attention they both need and deserve. And who knows? Maybe this will spark a conversation about getting one of your very own.