Top 5 Spring Ready Albums

The time has come where most Americans will start to clean up around the house and maybe dust off some albums that have been laying around. There will be rainy days, beautiful sunshine, and blossoming flowers that will make everybody just want to get outside. You should get the mentality, at least on the East Coast,  that the weather will not be below 30 anymore or the evident snow falls which made people just want to stay indoors. There are some bands that just know how to make music that fits the mood of the weather.

Number Five: “Crazy for You” by Best Coast. Best Coast is a two piece duo from Los Angeles, California. If anybody knows how to fit the mood of a beautiful day out it is defiantly Best Coast. The debut album, Crazy for You, from has a very beach vibe to it and the melodic lyrics of Bethany Cosentino just make me want to get outside as soon as possible and spin in circles. Cosentino’s lyrics are just the perfect icing on the cake for the mult-instrumentalist, Bobb Bruno. Bruno really sets the mood though. The jangle Pop guitar riffs are the leading sound on all of their records. They grew up in California so surely they will know what a good sounding, get outside, type of vibe to set a record to. Best Coast has a new album coming out May 5th titled, California Nights on Top Spin Media.

Number Four: My Head is an Animal by Of Monsters and Men. Of Monsters and Men is a 5 piece Indie-Folk band from Iceland. They were an immediate hit with their beautiful lyrics sung by Nanna Hilmarsdottir and the rest of the band backing her up with your not so typical instruments. They do not use electronic instruments for the most part, just a couple of acoustic guitars, a trumpet, and loud varying percussion. It all comes together in the beautiful debut album My Head is an Animal. It was an international hit from Australia to the United States. The song “Little Talks” was on the Top 10 music charts in Europe, Ireland, Iceland, and the United States. The songs are beautiful and yet poppy in the sense. The album can also make you want to sit down and just appreciate the world. The album is a great LP to listen to in the later evenings perhaps in your backyard having a nice cold drink. Of Monsters and Men have a new album coming out on June 9th through Universal Records titled Beneath the Skin.

Number Three: Alvvays by Alvvays. Alvvays pronouced ‘always’ is a five piece Indie-Pop band from Toronto, Canada. This is the debut record from Alvvays. The last place you expect a nice Pop sounding record is from the Canadians. Well, think again. The band is lead by Molly Rankin. Her lyrics are quite catchy while the instruments backing her up all are jangle feeling in sounds. They quickly became one of my favorite bands after hearing “Archie, Marry Me;” the song is a quintessential song to the Alvvays. The rest of the album is equally as good. Alvvays was able to become very quickly a popular band to know in the college music scene. The debut album was number 1 on the United States college music charts on August 5, 2014. They do not have any plans on releasing an album anytime soon but that does not mean you should stop listening to the album. Catch them on tour all over America and the United Kingdom as they are non-stop touring making sweet sounds that make us want to go outside and go straight to the beach.

Number Two : Contra by Vampire Weekend. Vampire Weekend is one of the biggest names in Indie music which means they have to be doing something right to appeal to a more wide spread crowd. Vampire Weekend is lead by Ezra Koenig. Koenig’s lyrics are quite unusual as most people do not know what he is talking about. The lyrics are very intelligent and yet catchy. My vocabulary has defiantly increased after listening to Vampire Weekend. Contra is the band’s second album which came out in 2010. It was an immediate success. It even debuted at the number one spot on the Billboard Top 100 chart during 2010. The whole album is catchy, interesting, and dance worthy. I have never not listened to any Vampire Weekend without leaving happy and feeling good. This album is one for those spring night’s outside. The band does not have any news regarding a new album but it is something that wouldn’t surprise me if they announced that they did. Their latest album Modern Vampires of the City is available at most record stores and even Target.

Number One: First Days of Spring by Noah and the Whale. Noah and the Whale is not your typical Indie Rock band. They are very orchestral and dark. Their songs are heavy and yet so beautiful at the same time. First Days of Spring is not the typical happy record to make you go outside and appreciate the beautiful scenery around you. This record is for those April showers that we need no matter what the mood is. This record is one of my favorite records ever. It can be appreciated while going on a long hike during a cloudy day. The song “Blue Skies” was even used in the George Clooney movie “The Descendants.” The best description of this album is the idea of a flowering growing into something beautiful down the road but is currently in the process of blooming. These albums are all good for fitting the Spring vibe in each of their different sounds and instruments. Comment on your Top 5 Spring Feeling albums.

FDRMX Eyes: Phono Emergency Tool is a three-piece Rock and Power-Pop band from Italy. Check out their video “Floating So Fast.”

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