Top 10 Most Powerful Politicians Alive Today

Politics can be confusing, disheartening and disappointing. However, there’s no denying that politicians are often the most powerful people in the world. Well, we’ve got a list of the 10 most powerful politicians currently alive, and you might be surprised to see who’s at the top. Check out the full list below!

Number Ten: Bashar al-Assad. This Syrian leader is the tenth most powerful politician in the world. He graduated from the University of Damascus with a medical degree and has maintained a strong leadership since he took over.

Number Nine: Hassan Rouhani. Iranian politician Hassan Rouhani has worn a number of hats, including that of diplomat, academic, attorney and cleric. He became president of Iran in July 2013.

Number Eight: Jacob Zuma. Jacob Zuma has been helping South Africa since 1977, and he became the country’s president in 2009. He served on the African National Congress for an impressive three decades.

Number Seven: Angela Merkel. One of only two women on this list, Angela Merkel is a German politician who has led the Christian Democratic Union since 2000. She has also been Germany’s Chancellor since 2005.

Number Six: Tayyip Erdogan. The 25th Prime Minister of Turkey makes it to the number six spot on our list of the world’s 10 most powerful politicians alive today. He was named one of 2010’s most influential people in the world.

Number Five: Kim Jong-un. Kim Jong-un continues to make headlines since he assumed the position of power in North Korea. At just 30 years old, he is the youngest head of state in North Korea.

Number Four: Hillary Clinton. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may be most well-known for being married to former president Bill Clinton, but she’s becoming more and more powerful by the second. She is calm, cool, and collected – everything a good politician should be.

Number Three: Imran Khan. Philanthropist Imran Khan is an incredibly powerful man. Once a cricket player, Khan is now the University of Bradford’s Chancellor and founder of the Board of Governors at the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital and Research Center.

Number Two: Barack Obama. Current president Barack Obama is the second most powerful politician in the world. He is currently serving his second term and has guided the United States through a number of important decisions.

Number One: Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping is the most powerful politician in the world, and it should come as no surprise. Jinping is the president of the People’s Republic of China, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission.