This Animal Rescue Couple’s Home Burned Down, Now They Live In A California Paradise

There are tons of cute animals out there and one of the cutest happens to be otters! Otters are highly intelligent, friendly, and loving animals so it’s no wonder they’re so easy to love. Married couple and animal rescue workers Kevin and Wendy Yates have worked hard to protect otters throughout their careers. However, one day their lives completely changed and it was the otters that ended up saving them…

20. Animal Rescuers

Image: Honest To Paws

Kevin and Wendy Yates have been involved in animal rescuing for a large portion of their lives. The two have a serious dedication to animals and have worked hard to keep them safe. However, there is one animal that has always stolen their hearts.

19. Passionate

Image: Honest To Paws

Kevin and Wendy have dedicated their lives to not only educating others on animals but also being conservationists as well. This passion has been around for both of them since they were young children. This love for animals is what brought them together in the first place.

18. Otter Love

Image: Honest To Paws

Out of all of the animals that the couple has had the pleasure of caring for, the two of them have bonded best with otters. They absolutely adore otters and have primarily worked to conserve them and care for the species. Kevin and Wendy do this work as a couple.

17. Change

Image: Honest To Paws

Although the couple loves otters, they never expected their love for otters to change their lives in such an unexpected way. However, that’s exactly what happened to them when an unexpected tragedy occurred. The couple would never approach otters in the same way again.

16. Wildfire

Image: KBAK

In 2003, a huge wildfire burnt the couple’s house down. They were left without a home and were forced to rebuild from scratch. Although they were happy to have made it out alive they weren’t sure what to do next…

15. Rebuilding

Image: Honest To Paws

The worst part about their home burning down was that it wasn’t just a home for them. The otters were also living with them. The Yates would have to rebuild a their own home and a place for the otters to reside. This was when they came up with an idea…

14. An Idea

Image: Honest To Paws

Suddenly, a fantastic idea was born. The couple figured out a way to build a home for themselves while also caring for the otters. That’s how they founded Nurtured By Nature.

13. Great Plans

Image: Red Tricycle

After they finished rebuilding their home in 2008, the couple opened up their home to the public and called the Nurtured By Nature. They combined both their home and their business where they would allow people to interact freely with some amazing animals.

12. Cheering Up

Image: Honest To Paws

Kevin and Wendy noticed that when they lost their home the only thing that brought them happiness were their otters. The otters helped lift up their spirits and give them something to look forward to each day. The couple knew that they had to show others how happy otters could make them too!

11. Sweet Creatures

Image: Honest To Paws

Even people who don’t have a passion for otters can find joy in interacting with them. They are highly playful and kind creatures and one can’t help but melt at their cuteness. And it seems that their business is doing pretty well..

10. Far & Wide Travels

Image: Honest To Paws

People from all over the world travel to the couple’s home to interact with the otters. Visitors get the unique experience of being able to swim with the otters and play around with them. There is nothing quite like this elsewhere…

9. Fun Times

Image: Honest To Paws

It’s not just the humans having a fun time, either. The otters have the time of their lives swimming around in the pool and playing around with their new visitors. An otter will never turn down an opportunity to play and socialize with others.

8. Great Perks

Image: Honest To Paws

While it is still super fun to be able to play around with otters, there is another great reason to visit Nurtured By Nature. For you see, all of the money that you pay to visit actually gets sent to an amazing cause!

7. Conservation Efforts

Image: A Fashion Nerd

Every time you pay to visit Nurtured by Nature you are also donating to the conservation of otters and other animals as well. You’re not only spending the day with them but you are also making sure that these species will stick around for years to come.

6. More Animals

Image: Honest To Paws

Otters aren’t the only animal that you’ll have the opportunity to see at Nurtured By Nature. While the otters were the first animal that they worked to conserve, they’re not the last. You won’t believe what other animals they have!

5. Activists

Image: Honest To Paws

Wendy and Kevin were not satisfied only helping otters so they decided to expand and work with many more. Some of the animals include fennec foxes, lemurs, African crested porcupines, two-toed sloths, armadillos, and kangaroos – and yes, they all live at the home too!

4. Teaching

Image: Honest To Paws

Since 1987, Wendy and Kevin have also been traveling to schools throughout the country. They have worked hard to educate children on animals how to engage with wildlife. The couple has even brought the animals with them to the schools.

3. Excited

Image: Honest To Paws

The children were super excited to be able to interact with the animals that the couple brought with them. Many people never get to see wildlife, especially not so close up. Wendy & Kevin truly enjoy educating children on animals and hope that their efforts help animal wildlife.

2. Widespread News

Image: Honest To Paws

News of what the Yateses do has made its way throughout the world. People everywhere commend them on their efforts and ability to teach so many on the proper way to interact with animal wildlife. After all, not many people would go above and beyond like this.

1. Vlogging

Image: Honest To Paws

Nurtured by Nature has become so popular that many popular television channels and YouTubers have brought their cameras to film the otter swimming experience. Thanks to Wendy & Kevin, so many people get to interact with otters in a way that they never would have otherwise.