The Good Wife: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 1)

The Good Wife has quickly become one of the most popular and most-watched shows on television. However, despite the fact that the show has spent a considerable amount of time in the spotlight and under the scrutiny of the public eye, there are still some things that many people don’t know. With that in mind, here we present our list of 15 things you probably didn’t know about The Good Wife. Check out part one below, and stay tuned for part two, coming soon!

Number Fifteen: Julianna Margulies Was the Third Choice

In fact, Helen Hunt and Ashley Judd were both offered the role of Alicia Florrick before it went to Margulies! Both ladies turned it down.

Number Fourteen: The Creators of ‘The Good Wife’ Are Married

The show was created by Robert King and Michelle King, a married couple. Robert and Michelle have been married for nearly 30 years!

Number Thirteen: The Show Is Based on Scandals Observed in Real Life

Specifically, the show’s creators really liked the concept of powerful women involved in scandals and what happens to the women as the scandals unfold. This helped to inspire the storyline and plot formation in The Good Wife.

Number Twelve: Every Room in the Creators’ Office Has the Iconic Font

You’re undoubtedly familiar with the signature font on the show. As an homage to the show’s font, the Kings decorated their office in labels featuring that iconic font.

Number Eleven: ‘The Good Wife’ Only Has Seven Writers

In addition to the show’s two creators, that is. Only seven people work to create those intricate storyline so many people have come to know and love.

Number Ten: The Writing Team Has a Legal Consultant

And it’s not to save them when they get in trouble. To be as realistic as possible when writing, they use the legal consultant to make sure everything they write is accurate.

Number Nine: All the Writers Know How the Show Will End

What a tease! According to Robert King, all of the writers found out how the show will end after just 13 episodes. Stay tuned for part two of our list of 15 things you didn’t know about The Good Wife, coming soon!