Taylor Swift – Blank Space

In Taylor Swift’s video “Blank Space,” we enter yet another one of her magical worlds about love, adventure and heartache. You can always admire Swift’s ability to overcome a bad heartbreak, whether it’s by smashing in windshields or cutting her latest beau’s clothes into a million shreds. The huge mansion, white horses, poison apple and prince charming (for the moment) are fairytale-like; however, the lyrics and contents of the song declares otherwise. In this video, Swift shows that where there is love, their is pain and torture. Love is a game and it eventually has to end, but if your Taylor Swift, you can always rise above the “rose garden filled with thorns” and start anew, as she does at the end of the video with a new love. There is no insanity like a women scorned, which Swift shows us in this colorful, yet dark video. Although her video addresses the pain of love, it is still rather empowering.

No animals, trees, automobiles or actors were harmed in the making of this video. Taylor’s new release 1989 is Available Now on iTunes.

Directed by Joseph Kahn
Website: taylorswift.com