Robin Thicke Wants You Back!

ThickePhoto Courtesy of Youtube

A few months ago Robin Thicke made a gigantic mistake and lost something very dear to him. He’s the first to admit that it’s his fault. His brazen infidelity with many different women was sure to cause him great pain down the line. He was shortsighted and stupid but hey, at least he admits it. And just like every other human being he deserves a second chance.

The truth is, what Thicke lost shook him to the core as a person and made him question what he really wanted in life. It has led him to release an album with the sole intent of recovering what was so brutally stripped away from him. Now he’s featured in a music video begging for the one thing that gives his life any meaning: You.

Robin Thicke Wants his fan base back, and he won’t take no for an answer.

Under the guise of an apology to his wife Paula Patton, Robin Thick has released a daring music video “Get Her Back” to plea to any fans who left him after his infidelity went public. The apology is pretty good. There are some pretty awesome shirtless photos where he shows off killer abs. There’s a pretty hot woman that fondles his bloodied body (but don’t worry, he’s just the right amount of bloody. We don’t want this apology to make him look bad.). He even shares some extremely private text messages between him and his ex wife. That’s right. He’s willing to humiliate his wife and four-year old son to make his audience swoon. Wow, Robin Thicke really does care.

One might think that the video may be an actual apology to Patton, but if that were really true I doubt the singer would show a shot of another woman’s ass at the 2:30 mark. I also doubt the video would be released at all. An apology of that nature made when you’re embarrassingly broken and have long since caring about how you are perceived. Thicke looks pretty damn good.

So as the album makes its debut on July 1st we’ll see if the ones he truly loves will come back to him. Do you forgive him? Because nothing in this world would make him happier than your approval.