We already brought you part one of this list of facts about Phil Mickelson, the famous, impressive, and talented American golf star, born in 1970. Read on for part two of this interesting list of information about him.
Number Eight: He Thinks No One Can Beat Him
Although he’s pushing 50, his confidence hasn’t faded a bit. Since he knows what he is capable of, he doesn’t think there’s anyone that can win against him.
Number Seven: Smack Talk
One of the best parts, for Phil, about playing golf with friends for fun, is the competitive element. They smack talk each other and he says that is the best aspect of it.
Number Six: He Won’t Let Psoriatic Arthritis Stop Him
When asked in an interview if Phil thinks age is just a number, he said that since he was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, he feels like it is. He actually sees the diagnosis as a good thing.
Number Five: He Hasn’t Had a Soda in Five Years
Since the diagnosis, he has not had a soft drink in five years, he doesn’t eat sugar or dairy. As a result of this, he was able to gain control of his illness and lower his medications by 75%.
Number Four: Better Now Than Ever
Instead of losing self-esteem as he ages, he gains it. He believes that there is nothing he could do 10 years ago that he could not do now, and wakes up feeling better than he has in a long time.
Number Three: He Keeps Notes About Venues And Studies Them
When asked if he felt prepared for the venue he will be tackling next, he said yes. He has studied the course and taken notes over the course of a few years and plans to develop a game plan that fits it.
Number Two: Phil Mickelson And His Thoughts on Teamwork
This man appreciates working with others. He sees the value in working as a team because all of the units can lift each other up and get through rough patches together, as well as encourage each other.
Number One: He Spots Inconsistencies at the Ryder Cup
Phil claims that leadership, guidance, and consistency has differed a lot from Ryder Cup to Ryder Cup. We hope you enjoyed part two of our list and thanks for reading.