Novak Djokovic has become one of the most talented tennis players of all time and is also one of the world’s most recognizable athletes. Despite the fact that Djokovic has spent a considerable amount of time in the spotlight and under the scrutiny of the public eye, there are still some things that many people don’t know. With that in mind, here we present our list of 15 things you probably didn’t know about Novak Djokovic. Check out part one below, and stay tuned for part two, coming soon!
Number Fifteen: He Only Drinks Warm Water. Djokovic refuses to drink cold water while he’s on the court because he actually believes it inhibits blood flow. For that reason, he only drinks warm or room temperature water while he plays.
Number Fourteen: He Eats Grass. Djokovic always eats the grass on the courts at Wimbledon. Though it’s not clear why he does this, he says it tastes like sweat.
Number Thirteen: He is a Dog Lover. Djokovic is very close with his dog – a poodle named Pierre. Djokovic likes bringing Pierre everywhere he goes, and when he was informed that Pierre wasn’t allowed into Wimbledon, he became very upset. According to a reporter, having Pierre with him whenever he can is very important to him.
Number Twelve: He Talks to Himself. Specifically, Djokovic talks to himself while he plays. Once, he was even heard saying “Now you all will suck my d***” in Serbian.
Number Eleven: He Bounces the Ball a Lot. For every single serve, Djokovic bounces the ball up to a dozen times. This is such a well-documented behavior of his that in 2008, one of Djokovic’s opponents even turned his back to him before he served because he was so fed up with the bouncing.
Number Ten: He Might Be a Faker. Djokovic has been accused of faking serious injuries when he becomes down or upset during a match. Multiple opponents of Djokovic’s have accused him of faking injuries.
Number Nine: He Is a Troll. Djokovic knows just how to rile up a crowd, and this was no exception when he trolled the crowd in New York City after he beat Andy Roddick. Roddick had jokingly accused Djokovic of faking his injuries during the match (surprise), and Djokovic went on to call the crowd “not nice” afterward.