Mr. Probz: ‘Waves’ Single Review

If you feel like you are drifting away in life, you might want to give Mr. Probz a listen. He has great songs like “Nothing Really Matters,” or his most recent, “Waves.” “Waves,” reaching close to the top of the charts, excels in its power to get in touch with our emotions. The beginning of the song slides us slowly into its atmosphere with a clean guitar riff. As the bass, drums, and Mr. Probz’ voice follows in, we are met with a perfect setting of tones. You don’t have to think to listen; it is all easy. Easy is excellent, as it will make people come back for more. You really need to go to the beach or your favorite lookout point and listen to this song. It’ll wind you right down, wave after wave.

Presentation of the song can be very hard. Mr. Probz presents his song well, with perfect timing between his instrument patterns and his voice patterns. In songs, singers have to space out certain phrases of the song. This is done to get the correct style, breathing, and space. Say too many words in a 4/4 musical bar and you crowd the song. Say too little in a 4/4 musical bar and you leave too much instrumental. The result is an excellent song to listen to. Timing is everything.

It is always a key factor to have your own original voice. Mr. Probz’ voice has a peak of originality. If I could define his voice, I would say it is a crispy low vocal that isn’t over-pressured. It’s basically effortless, and works great with calm music, like this song. Obviously, he wouldn’t be using it to sing death metal or anything. Yet, for this musical piece, it is perfect.

Mr. Probz’ lyrical composition of this song is simple. He explains in his lyrics that he is in an indecisive state, which can cause certain problems in life. Mr. Probz discusses being in love with someone and merely “drifting away, wave after wave.” It could mean he can’t find the right words to say to them, or he merely cannot hold on to their love. Either way, he personalizes it in his own way. I can relate to the song because I grew up on Haida Gwaii, and have memories of waves coming onto that crisp, sandy beach. You can’t help but apply your emotions to that sequence of the ocean. Overall, I give the lyrical composition a thumbs up. They are simple, and easy to remember and love. I recommend this song to the drifters out there. Drift home, my friends.