Morrissey Lashes Out Against Glastonbury Founder

Glastonbury Festival founder and dairy farmer, Michael Eavis is being scrutinized by Morrissey, the former lyricist and vocalist of The Smiths.  In a post on True to You, a blog dedicated to Morrissey, he accuses Eavis of animal cruelty and censorship.  Morrissey claims that when he was performing at Glastonbury in 2011, he wanted to show a video on the “evils of factory farming” in the background while he played “Meat is Murder,” except Eavis would not allow it.  He states that “Michael Eavis had stopped the screening of the film because it wasn’t indicative of how his dairy farm operated…Michael Eavis also went on to justify banning the film by saying it would “upset” younger people.”

Morrissey, who has recently announced a North American tour beginning this June, believes that by supporting Glastonbury you will be supporting factory farming which he calls a virus, stating that it is not possible to support both the butchered and the ones being butchered and calls each of the readers to take a side.  He also recounts Banksy’s 2014 piece of art titled, Sirens of the Lambs, which portrayed a truck full of lambs on their way to be slaughtered.  Morrissey stated that Eavis was not impressed by the piece and that he pretended not to know what it was saying.

Eavis claims his “cows are actually very happy, they have the highest milk yield in the county,” which Morrissey refutes saying that he could find none of Eavis’ cows for comment and no one at the festival overheard any laughing cows, so they could not possibly be happy.  He believes that it would be more accurate of Eavis to say that he is economically happy because of the yield his cows produce.  Morrissey also compares a cow being milked to rape and says that he distrusts UK dairy farmers for their financial gluttony, the environmental damage they do, and the fact that they “pay no heed to the law when it comes to gassing badgers, shooting foxes or hunting.”  Morrissey also calls Eavis an “animal hater,” stating that he loves dead animals more than live ones and that anyone who loves bacon but won’t protect pigs from slaughter also hates live animals.

FDRMX Eyes: Sahara Beck is a singer-songwriter from Australia. The musician has released a music video entitled “Pretender.”

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