Minecraft: 107 Fascinating Facts Every Gamer Should Know (Part 10)

We filled you in with the first set of 81 fascinating facts that every gamer should know about Minecraft in parts one through nine, and now we have finally returned with part 10! This computer-based digital fantasy world has been reaching record levels of popularity since its release in only 2011, and we are here to give you the full scoop on everything there is to know! Read on to discover our next set of nine facts! Stay tuned for our coming articles, parts 11 and 12, where we reveal the remaining top 17 fascinating facts that every gamer should know about Minecraft!

Number Twenty-Six: Minecraft on Ice

Although most items lose their sliding effect when placed on ice, a select couple of items will retain the ability. Both slabs and cakes on ice will give you the ability to slide.

Number Twenty-Five: Bone Meal Fertilizer

Oddly enough, bone meal can be an effective fertilizer in the game. If the bone meal is placed on a block of grass, the block will sprout flowers or tall grass.

Number Twenty-Four: Preserving the Cake

If you want to keep a close eye on your cakes in the game, be wary of their base blocks. If you break these blocks beneath your cake, the item will be destroyed as well.

Number Twenty-Three: Level 12 Perks

Once you reach level 12, try to dedicate your time to mining diamonds. At this level in the game, you will have the most possibility of mining the precious resource.

Number Twenty-Two: To Hell and Back

If you hold down F3 in the game, the nether biome will be displayed as Hell. Conversely, pressing F3 will transform End into Sky.

Number Twenty-One: Silver Fish

When travelling through water, you are less likely to come across a silverfishd than any other creature. Remarkably, they are the smallest mob in all of Minecraft.

Number Twenty: Zombie Outbreaks

When encountering the threat of a zombie, try not to make any dropped items accessible to them. While skulking around, they can pick up these items. If the dropped item is armor, they can pick it up and even put it on.

Number Nineteen: Spawning Zombie Pigmen

If you fear the attack of the zombie pigmen (and let’s face it, who wouldn’t be a little intimidated by that?), try to steer clear of the nether portals. Through these portals, zombie pigmen have increased spawning abilities.

Number Eighteen: Mastering Time

If you try to manipulate the times in the game by leaving the input blank, the design of the game will foil your plot. If this is left blank, the game just uses the time settings from your computer’s desktop. Stay tuned for our coming articles, parts 11 and 12, where we reveal the remaining top 17 fascinating facts that every gamer should know about Minecraft!