Mickey Mouse: 15 Facts Disney Didn’t Tell You (Part 1)

Mickey Mouse is everyone’s favorite Disney character; whether we know it or not! Although we adore him, The Mouse lives quite a mysterious life – though he won’t tell you that. To find out everything that you never knew about this iconic animated mouse, we have created the perfect list with all the facts that Disney never clued you in on about Mickey Mouse. Don’t forget to check back for our part two article, where we reveal the top eight facts that Disney didn’t tell you about Mickey Mouse!

Number Fifteen: An Icon is Born. Mickey Mouse has made an important appearance in the households of countless fans, although it wasn’t always planned to be a mouse in the hearts of Disney’s admirers. Walt Disney’s original animated creation was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. After losing the rights to this character to Universal Pictures, Disney had to get creative again.

Number Fourteen: Mortimer Mouse. We know him now as Mickey, though in his creation days he was known as Mortimer. Lillian Disney thought the name came off as pretentious, and suggested the idea of Mickey. Mortimer Mouse was later introduced as Mickey’s rival, as a tribute to the development of the character.

Number Thirteen: The First Cartoon. Even the biggest Disney fans will tell you that Steamboat Willie was the first animated cartoon starring our favorite mouse. This, however, isn’t true. The first Mickey Mouse cartoon was Plane Crazy; though both emerged in 1929.

Number Twelve: The First Hit.  Then, the star was born. Steamboat Willie was soon created, second to Plane Crazy, and the concept really took off. I guess all he needed was a little whistle!

Number Eleven: The Mouse’s Special Day. Mickey Mouse has stood the test of time in more than one sense of the phrase. For such an old mouse, he certainly has aged gracefully. The icon was “born” on November 18th, 1928, making him 87 years old.

Number Ten: The Price Tag. If you are familiar with the media industry, you have probably learned by now that nothing can be produced for cheap. Steamboat Willie cost about $2,500 to create, and that was a lot more money back then!

Number Nine: The Gloves. Mickey’s fluffy, white gloves have become a notable accessory for The Mouse. At the theme parks, they have recently become a best-seller for souvenirs. However, Mickey didn’t always have his gloves. In the early cartoons, he has only naked hands. The trademark first appeared in the 1929 short The Opry House. Don’t forget to check back for our part two article, where we reveal the top eight facts that Disney didn’t tell you about Mickey Mouse!