Macaulay Culkin: 6 Secrets You Didn’t Know About His Life

Macaulay Culkin is a former child star, and a face we all recognize. Though he has only made very brief and obscure appearances since his days of childhood fame, some people are still interested in what has become of him. It’s hard to find information about someone with such a low profile, but we managed to gather some interesting secrets about his life. Here’s our list.

Number Six: Macaulay Culkin isn’t Retired

A lot of people assume that since they haven’t seen Macaulay in a film in a long time, he must be retired from acting. This is not the case, although he does state that he’s not exactly the hardest working actor in the world.

Number Five: ‘Why Aren’t You Crazy?’

When people see Culkin out in public, they often have a lot of questions for him. The star is able to get a table at any restaurant without a reservation, but has to deal with getting stared at the entire time, and being asked questions like, “Why aren’t you crazy?”

Number Four: He Lives a Very Simple Life

Some rumors have circulated about the star being into drugs and partying. This isn’t the case though, and the actor leads a very simple life which involves hanging out with his dogs and feeding his fish.

Number Three: He Learned How to Read Court Papers at Age 14

Quite the unusual skill to be acquired by young teens. This is because of nasty court disputes between his parents as a kid. Unfortunately, Macaulay didn’t have the easiest upbringing in the world.

Number Two: Macaulay is an Author Who isn’t a Fan of Reading

After being pestered endlessly to make a memoir, Culkin relented and decided to publish a book. The main character is fictional, yet clearly based heavily on Culkin. Although he has taken the time to write this book, he admits that he’s not a big fan of books in general and doesn’t really like to read.

Number One: Afraid of Conforming to a ‘Type’

We all know the stereotypes about child stars. When Culkin got caught with marijuana, his biggest concern was conforming to the stereotype of the former child actor going down a bad path. We hope you enjoyed this list and found it interesting.