Lucky 13: FDRMX Interview with Alexy

AlexyAlexy Guerer, better known simply as Alexy, is a Montreal based artists who has achieved quite a lot in a very short career. In addition to a passionate fanbase, Alexy has been featured on Degrassi, The Young and the Restless, Hollywood Heights and Nickelodean’s Nick@Nite. FDRMX had a talk with the young and award winning artist about inspiration, Montreal, and the joy of painting.

FDRMX: You started off your career by winning a few contests. How many wins did it take before you knew you could do what you loved for a living?
Alexy: Though it was nice to get some recognition through local competitions a while back, I don’t see those experiences as being the primary thing that has really changed my perspective on whether or not I can make music my life. Rather, it’s the encouragement and support of my friends, family and peers, mixed with my hard-headed mentality of refusing to give up on doing what I love the most that has helped me believe that I can make music my life.

FDRMX: Do you feel the city of Montreal has a heavy influence on your music, or would your work be the same if you were anywhere else?
A: Montreal is an incredible city with a very unique vibe and energy to it, so it definitely has had a big impact on my music. That being said, I’ve written a lot of songs and recorded in Toronto or Ottawa as well, and in many ways I find it important to stay open to be influenced by different cities or surroundings. One thing is for sure, Montreal is where my heart is, and I know that it’ll inspire me for years to come.

FDRMX: It seems you’re pretty personal and close with your fanbase. What’s your favorite encounter you’ve ever had with a fan?
A: I played a show in Oshawa a couple years ago. The band and I had arrived in the city really early so we decided to busk around the downtown core before going to the venue. We ended up playing at a local cafe, a YMCA, and even Chapters / Starbucks opened up their floor to us to play some music for their patrons. That night at the show, one of the baristas working at the Starbucks came out to the show with her friend and we just ended up hanging out with them for a big part of the night and becoming friends! It was awesome.

FDRMX: Your music has been featured on Degrassi, The Young and the Restless, Hollywood Heights and Nickelodean’s Nick@Nite. What does it feel like to have so many creators use your music to help tell their story?
A:It was a little surreal the first time that I got news that one of my songs would be used on a television show… I didn’t really think it would ever happen but since then I’ve been lucky enough to land a few other great placements which is pretty cool. I’m very thankful to the publisher who believed in my music and helped make that a reality. The greatest collaborations like this are when a song is used to elevate the emotional impact of the narrative and really create a powerful moment in a scene or story. I sure hope that my music can continue to inspire others to use it in such a way!

FDRMX: What’s your favorite instance of someone else using your music?
A: A friend of mine once asked to do a remix of ‘Dirtier’ a while back, and after I gave him stem files he ended up doing a big house remix that you can still hear on sound cloud here:

It was the first time that I’d heard one of my songs remixed, and I thought it was really different and cool!

FDRMX:Your symbol is of one hand mark inside a larger, fainter Handmark. What are you trying to convey with this image?
A: That image is the front cover of my up-coming album ‘Future Architects’. The overlapping hands indicate change, growth, and the idea that each generation follows in the footsteps of the previous. More directly, children are the architects of the future, they are the ones that will have to shape a better tomorrow and figure out the solutions to the problems that were left for them to deal with.

FDRMX: You’ve performed in many different venues. What is your favorite?
A: That’s a tough one…but I’d say one of my favourite shows was at ’The Mansion’ in Kingston. We played a frosh week gig there for engineering students and it was totally wild. The sound was amazing, the staff at the venue were great and I can’t wait to go back for another show there!

FDRMX: Your music video “Dirtier” required you to stay perfectly still for a long amount of time. Were there any difficult moments during filming where you struggled to fight an itch or anything?
A: The toughest part was when I got paint in my eye right at the beginning, I really wanted to wipe it out but I knew it would ruin the take. I eventually managed to get my eye open again and get through the rest of it. It was definitely a great experience!

FDRMX: Did you save the formerly white outfit from the video? It looked pretty fashionable by the end.
A: Haha, yes I still have it in my closet somewhere…perhaps I’ll bring it out for a show at some point!

FDRMX: Any new songs or albums you’re working on?
A: I have a record that’ll be coming out soon, though I don’t have an official date yet. I recently released an EP with a side project that I’m a part of called ‘King Karoshi’. I play drums in the band and we released our first EP officially on the 27th of June, and it’s available online here:
I’m also working on some production projects and a few new video-songs which will be showing up through the summer on my Youtube page.

FDRMX: What are your three favorite live concerts that you’ve ever attended.
-Peter Garbriel during his ’So’ Reunion tour
-Mother Mother (all 4 of their shows that I’ve been too so far)
-Coldplay when they played at the Bell centre in Montreal for their Milo Xyloto tour (A scene of it was even filmed for their live DVD!)

FDRMX: You seem to utilize paint a lot in your videos, websites, and logos. Do you paint? If not, what painter do you admire the most?
A: I love paint for its versatility, which is why I use it a lot in my projects. I can’t say that I’m much of a visual artist, though I love it as an art form and have great respect for it. Though he wasn’t just a painter, I’d have to say I have a soft spot for Leonardo Da Vinci…

FDRMX: You kicked off your career at a young age. What’s the best advice you can give to any young musicians today?
A: Always be eager to learn, don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes, and believe in yourself!

Major props to Alexy for taking the time to answer these questions. Be sure to follow him on his Facebook and webpage. Alexy is definitely one you want to watch out for!