Despite their small size, fennec foxes are carnivores. These cute animals have a diet that consists of insects, rabbits, rodents, birds and eggs. Although, this didn’t matter to Sonia Sae who decided to force-feed her pet fox vegan food. While this might not seem like such a bad thing, the fennec fox’s life is put in danger because of this!
20. Fennec Foxes
Fennec foxes are super cute and this is why people get them as pets. However, taking care of them is not as easy as you might think since they need proper food in order to survive.
19. Sonia Sae and Jumanji
The woman we are seeing in this picture is called Sonia Sae and she is holding her pet fennec fox, Jumanji. She is a famous blogger that managed to anger the entire internet after telling everyone that she is feeding Jumanji only vegan food.
18. All Species Are Equal
Sonia believes that all animals are equal and this why she has been feeding vegan food to her pet fennec fox. This has been going on for a couple of years and the fox’s health has been deteriorating as a result. You won’t believe how thin Jumanji looks!
17. Vegan Diet
As you can clearly tell, Jumanji is not doing too well. The vegan diet doesn’t have all the proteins Jumanji needs and the fox is very thin. Just hear what the scientists have to say about this…
16. Wild Fennec Fox Diet
These foxes live in the wild and scientists say that their diet is comprised of animals and insects for a total of 90%. The other 10% are insects and plants that the foxes dig up. Therefore, forcing Jumanji to eat vegan food is putting its health at risk!
15. Protein, Calcium and Taurine
Protein, calcium and taurine are three most important things for fennec foxes. All those nutrients are found in organic compounds that are found in animal tissues. To make things even worse, this is what happens when fennec foxes don’t get these nutrients.
14. Heart and Reproductive Problems
Fennec foxes that don’t get all the nutrients they need will start having heart and reproductive problems. The next picture is what made the internet lash out at Sonia Sae!
13. Skin Condition
Everyone turned on Sonia Sae when they saw this picture of Jumanji. As you can clearly tell, the poor fox is suffering from a skin condition and its fur is getting thinner. How do you think Sonia responded to this?
12. Sonia Doesn’t Care About What People Say
It seems like Sonia doesn’t care for what people tell her and she wants to keep force feeding Jumanji vegan food. Don’t believe me? Keep reading to see what she had to say to everyone.
11. Denying Abuse
“They use the word ‘abuse’ to describe the act of feeding it food that no animal had to die for”, said Sonya Sae. From the looks of it, Sonia just doesn’t want to understand she is actually hurting Jumanji. But the story is just starting…
10. Contacting the Local Animal Rights Authorities
After seeing that Sonia doesn’t plan to start feeding Jumanji proper food, people started calling the local animal rights authorities. However, they were not able to take Jumanji from her. As a result…
9. Jumanji is Sick
Even though it seems like things couldn’t get worse for this little fennec fox, Sonia goes on to admit that Jumanji is half blind!
8. Half Blind
Not only is Jumanji not feeling well, but the poor fox is also half blind. How can Sonia not tell that her actions are putting Jumanji’s life in danger?
7. Spontaneous Convulsions
Can you imagine what Jumanji is going through? The poor fox has spontaneous convulsions! This is when the internet started commenting on Sonia’s every post about vegan diets.
6. Not A Care In The World
Despite the fact that the entire internet was pointing out that her vegan diet was slowly but surely killing Jumanji, Sonia didn’t seem to have any care in the world. This is heartbreaking to see…
5. Baby Fennec Fox
This picture was taken when Jumanji was still a baby. Doesn’t the fact that she is a vegan goes against owning wild animals as pets? Someone needs to take Jumanji from this woman.
4. Online Petitions
Sadly, the local authorities weren’t able to take Jumanji from Sonia. However, there are a couple of online petitions which might grab the attention of the right people who could eventually rescue Jumanji. Let’s check out a couple pictures of healthy fennec foxes for comparison.
3. Healthy Fennec Fox
This is how a healthy female fennec fox looks like. Looking at this cutey, you can’t help from feeling sad about Jumanji.
2. Having Fun
Running in the wild and having fun all day long is what fennec foxes want to do, not to be kept inside! Let’s hope that Sonia Sae maybe reconsiders her stance on vegan food and gives Jumanji the proteins it needs before it’s not too late.
1. Amazing Foxes
These little foxes are amazing and people should stop buying them as pets because that’s just not what they were meant for. Nonetheless, Jumanji is in bad shape and seeing it like that is breaking everyone’s hearts!