Today is a pretty special day. Why? Well besides the fact that It is my hubby’s birthday, it is also the National Apple day.
It might have something to do with the fact that I was born and grew up on a farm, but apples have always been my favorite fruit. That juicy, crispy, sweet taste that they have is something no other fruit can replace.
I decided it would be best if I went to the internet and start the search for some awesome pancake recipes.
Apple Pancakes That Will Take You Down Memory Lane
So, since it was Peter’s birthday, I’ve decided to prepare his all-time favorite German Apple Pancake. See, he also has a sweet spot for apples, and the German Apple Pancake was what his grandma used to make when he and his sister were young. He loves the puffy pie resemblance, and I love the simplicity of the recipe. So it is a win-win combination.
Apple Pancake Rings. These pancakes are so easy to prepare, I mean I only spent 10 minutes preparing them, and the birthday boy got to cook them J. But honestly, they are pretty simple even if you have to be the one cooking them, you will be ready in half an hour.
If you wonder what these rings taste like, then let me tell you: it cannot be put into words. You’d have to try a bite. But if I really had to, I’d say the very first bite is soft and then your teeth get to the crispy apple inside, and your mouth gets all that pumpkin spice flavor… Maybe there is a word for it: yummmy.
The Ultimate Dessert Apple Pancakes
Celebrating a birthday in Fall has its perks… Peter got himself a nice fall inspired pancake breakfast, fall brunch and now it was time for the perfect fall dessert. The Apple Cinnamon Streusel Pancakes were a no brainer when It came to this matter. These pancakes are melt in your mouth delicious, ok with an occasional crispy apple chunk, and are definitely the best way to show your appreciation towards someone.
Peter and I ended up devouring the whole stack over a bottle of wine, and nearly forgot we had a dinner reservation. Yup, we ate three different stacks of pancakes and were ready for some more food.
Our favorite restaurant had pancakes on their menu, but we were really eager to try something on the saltier side for a change.
And even though we had a really good time, let’s not kid ourselves, nothing can beat homemade pancakes prepared with love! (Or at least that’s what Peter said J)