Viagra: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 2)

We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you probably did not know about Viagra, and now we’re back with part two! Check out eight more fascinating facts about the popular libido-enhancing medication that you definitely (probably) did not know below. You might be surprised by what you find out!

Number Eight: There Is a Female Equivalent. Finally! Though some females take Viagra and find that it works, a more specialized version has been created to help cultivate sexual desire in women. Rather than make it easier for women to become physically aroused (like regular Viagra does), the female version helps women mentally desire sex.

Number Seven: It Fights Cancer. Not only can that little blue pill help you pop a boner – it’ll fight off cancer, too! Research has shown that Viagra can help to shrink tumors and can also protect the heart from cancer-related damage.

Number Six: It Might Be Better Than Marriage Counseling. We mentioned in part one of this list that Viagra doesn’t automatically make its users want to have sex; however, it has been proven to help with married couples’ sex lives. One study found that 32 of 35 couples taking Viagra to improve their sex lives were successful with it.

Number Five: It Protects Endangered Species. Indirectly, anyway. There are many “herbal” remedies for erectile dysfunction that involve some sort of animal part, and to get these animal parts, herbalists may kill endangered animals. The increased availability of Viagra is helping to combat the animal deaths that come as a result of these “herbal” remedies.

Number Four: And it Helps Endangered Species Get Busy. Seriously! Some zoos have been administering the drug to pandas to help them procreate. Pandas are notorious for having difficulties procreating in captivity, but Viagra has been proven to help.

Number Three: It Will Make You More Athletic. Some athletes take the pill to improve their performance. Because it increases blood flow, it technically may help you use your muscles most efficiently. Think about that the next time you hit the gym!

Number Two: It Improves Fertility. We already mentioned the female equivalent to Viagra, but women can also take the drug to improve their fertility! Women who take Viagra may see an increased blood flow to their uterine lining, which helps the chances of fertilized eggs continuing to grow.

Number One: It’s Good for Babies. It might sound crazy, but it’s true. Viagra is administered to babies in the form of inhaled nitric oxide therapy to help promote growth. It’s often given to premature infants to ensure that they continue to grow, and it usually results in a quicker discharge time from the ICU.