We already brought you parts one through five of our list of the top 80 best ’80s fashion trends, and now we’re back with part six! Check out 10 more hilarious and amazing fashion trends from the 1980s that you either never knew existed or completely forgot about, and stay tuned for the last two parts of this list, coming soon. You might be surprised by what you see below!
Number Thirty: L.A. Gear. L.a. Gear became hugely popular in the 1980s for designing the shoes that light up at the bottom. Yes, THOSE shoes.

Number Twenty-Nine: Headbands. Headbands were beyond practical in the 1980s – they were a style statement. Women and men alike could wear headbands in any number of styles to both keep their hair out of their faces and look cool.

Number Twenty-Eight: Ocean Pacific. Characterized by the “O” and “P” next to each other, Ocean Pacific was one of the most popular brands in the 1980s. They became most popular for their polo shirts.

Number Twenty-Seven: Croakies. Croakies were great for people who were too lazy to just take off their sunglasses and stow them away. Rather than bother doing that, why not wear your sunglasses as a necklace when you’re done with them!

Number Twenty-Six: Bucket Hats. Bucket hats might only be worn by dads on vacation today, but in the 1980s, they were worn by super cool musicians like L.L. Cool J.

Number Twenty-Five: Sneakers Without Laces. Sneakers – especially Adidas – without laces became extremely popular in the 1980s. It wasn’t the most practical trend, but it also wasn’t the most absurd.

Number Twenty-Four: Power Suits. Really, what is a “power suit” but just an excuse to act like a douchebag while wearing a fancy suit? Anyway, power suits were a big deal in the 1980s for businessmen who secretly wanted to moonlight as Patrick Bateman.

Number Twenty-Three: Kangol. Kangol, and specifically his hat, were extremely popular in the 1980s. Everyone from Slick Rick to Fab 5 Freddy could be seen wearing the same hat.

Number Twenty-Two: Highwater Pants. Highwater pants might be cool today, but in the 1980s, they were only worn by very serious nerds. Who knew nerds could be so sexy?

Number Twenty-One: Surfer Style. Regardless of whether or not you were actually a surfer, imitating the surfer style was very popular in the 1980s. Stay tuned for our next installment of our list of the top 80 best ’80s fashion trends, coming soon!