Mother-daughter relationships are very important in life. Some say they are absolutely essential. Mothers nurture, encourage and provide the help needed when it feels like the world is ending. Their presence makes everything better no matter what. Without a mother’s love, without a mother’s hug, daughters would all feel a little lost. After all, what are daughters without their mothers? Here are the greatest mother-daughter relationships seen on television (some make me totally jealous).
Number Five: Reba Hart and Cheyenne Hart-Montgomery (Reba). This mother-daughter relationship isn’t any ordinary mother-daughter relationship. Reba is present for all of her children – she’s a great mother to her two daughters and one son – but with Cheyenne, it’s different. When Cheyenne becomes pregnant her senior year of high school, Reba becomes a mother, a counselor, a nurse, and a friend. She supports Cheyenne during her pregnancy. Reba provides Cheyenne with the advice she needs when life gets tough. She encourages Cheyenne when she feels like giving up, and she nurtures her when she’s sick or sad. Reba makes the bad times good, and with Cheyenne by her side, there’s normally nothing but laughs. This mother-daughter relationship could melt anyone’s heart.

Number Four: Kathryn Kennish and Bay Kennish (Switched At Birth). Although this mother-daughter relationship may seem rocky at times, it does have a solid foundation. Beyond the arguing and the tears, this mother-daughter relationship is one that will never be broken. Kathryn is extremely loving and supportive of Bay, regardless of their disagreements. When something goes wrong, Bay knows that she can always run to her mother as opposed to her father. Kathryn is there with encouraging words and warm hugs that stop any tears. Through thick and thin, Kathryn and Bay love each other unconditionally, and that’s what makes this relationship so great.

Number Three: Hilda/Zelda Spellman and Sabrina Spellman (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch). Now, Hilda and Zelda aren’t Sabrina’s actual mothers, they’re her aunts. But, they do an amazing job as substitute mothers, so I couldn’t exclude them from this category. This mother-daughter relationship is one of the coolest relationships on television. All three females are witches, but here’s the catch: Hilda and Zelda don’t really help Sabrina with magic. Yes, she has a tutor of sorts (the Quizmaster) but other than that, Hilda and Zelda leave Sabrina to her own devices. That is what makes this relationship so cool. Hilda and Zelda teach Sabrina responsibility and accountability, which are both very important. But, they’re also always around if Sabrina needs help. In the end, Hilda and Zelda will always encourage and help their niece while loving her like she was their own.

Number Two: Angela Rizzoli and Jane Rizzoli (Rizzoli & Isles). This mother-daughter relationship is one that a lot of mothers and daughter can relate to. Angela can be the annoying, overprotective, helicopter mom at times, and Jane cannot be bothered with it (“Ma, stop!”). Although Jane is constantly focused on work, Angela is always thinking of her and always looking out for Jane’s well being. When things get stressful for Jane, Angela is always there with great advice, a hug, and the ability to make her daughter smile again. This mother-daughter relationship is funny yet relatable. It teaches many that the love a mother has for her daughter is never-ending. Above all else, family is forever.

Number One: Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls). This is the mother-daughter relationship you’ve all been waiting for and the one that makes me super jealous! This mother-daughter relationship is without a doubt the greatest relationship of all time. Lorelai and Rory are two peas in a pod. This relationship goes beyond the typical mother-daughter relationship. Lorelai is Rory’s huge support system, and she’s essential to Rory’s life. Because of Lorelai, Rory is the person she is. Lorelai only wants the best for her daughter, and she works hard to give it to her. Through school work, boy troubles, and the happenings in Stars Hollow, Lorelai is always, always by Rory’s side (I mean, she slept in Rory’s dorm room). Lorelai loves Rory more than life itself, and Rory loves Lorelai the same. This mother-daughter relationship is one of absolute love, support, and friendship. This is one television watchers will remember forever.