We already brought you part one of our list of the top 12 life hacks anybody can use, and now we’re back with part two! Check out six more amazing life hacks that will help you live your best life in the best way. You might be surprised by what you find out!
Number Six: Inspect Your Fuel Indicator Before You Fill Up. But not for the reason you might expect! If you’re pulling into the gas station and can’t remember which side of your car the gas tank is on, then look at your fuel indicator. The gas pump in the middle of the indicator will point to the side of the car the tank is on.
Number Five: Use Ketchup to Make Pancakes. Specifically, use an empty ketchup bottle to make perfectly round pancakes! Once you make your pancake batter, fill up an empty ketchup bottle with the batter, and squeeze out perfectly round pancakes onto the griddle.
Number Four: Chew Gum Before You Cut Onions. Rather than let your mascara run while you cut up some onions, pop a piece of gum before you start chopping! The chewing will stop your eyes from tearing up, and you’ll have fresh breath when it’s all said and done!
Number Three: Start a Fire With Doritos. If you’re camping and just can’t find kindling anywhere, start thanking your stoner roommate who brought 12 bags of Doritos and nothing else. You can start a fire with Doritos in the same way you can start one with kindling.
Number Two: Clean Your Keyboard With Post-It Notes. Rather than try and run a wet rag or wet wipe along your disgusting keyboard, just stick a few post-it notes on it! The post-it notes will catch all of those gross crumbs without leaving a wet mess behind.
Number One: Use a Camera to Retrieve Stolen Things. If you keep lending things to your friends only to see it mysteriously disappear a few months later, take a picture of your friend when he or she borrows the thing! That way you’ll have evidence that they borrowed it, and they won’t be able to deny it.