Tom Hanks: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 1)

Tom Hanks is one of the most beloved actors in Hollywood. Known for a plethora of roles, this star has remained on the top of the industry for decades. Here are some awesome facts about the man that you probably didn’t know. Stay tuned for part 2, coming soon!

Number Fifteen: His Career is a Family Effort

When Tom Hanks was working on the set of Forrest Gump, his brother Jim helped out by being a stand-in for Tom. This is pretty awesome.

Number Fourteen: He Started Small

When the actor was a teenager, he spent time making sales of his own. Specifically, he sold popcorn and peanuts at the one and only Coliseum in Oakland, California. Look at him now!

Number Thirteen: He’s Hosted Saturday Night Live

It’s certainly true. This very respected actor has not only hosted this entertaining comedy show, he’s done it a multitude of times: five. He even became included in the Five-Timers club!

Number Twelve: He’s Been on Happy Days

While Tom Hanks has spent most of his career working in movies rather than on television, he has had his fair share of it. In the very early parts of his career, the man had a role in the ever-popular show Happy Days, after which he got asked to read for the movie Splash, which he starred in not too long after.

Number Eleven: He’s More Politically Involved Than You’d Think

When it came to inaugurate Barack Obama into office for the first time, Tom hanks helped out by donated 50 grand for the cause. Does this make them friends?

Number Ten: Tom Hanks is a Collector

Many of us on Earth appreciate collecting items we like in particular. For Tom Hanks, it’s typewriters. He has a good number of them that he likes to keep in good condition. He may or may not use them.

Number Nine: He has an Asteroid Named After Him

This is indeed a thing. In 1996, an asteroid had been discovered, which had then promptly been named “12818 tomhanks”. We assume this has a strong correlation to his role in the film Apollo 13. Tom Hanks is an interesting fellow. Stay tuned for part two, coming soon!