The Dodos at the Music Hall of Williamsburg: Event Review

On the winter’s eve of the 27th of February, I attended an indie rock show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg located in the hipster hub of Brooklyn. The Music Hall, owned by The Bowery Presents, was opened eight years ago, and it is a charming little venue that actually holds up to more than its capacity. It’s built with three floors: a lounge with seating and tables, a ground floor where the experience is much more exciting, and a second floor with a spacious seating area and benches. I would definitely go back there, maybe when it’s warmer outside.

The atmosphere was extremely calm. Many people simply ordered their drinks and floated right in front of the stage without running or pushing. It was satisfying. The venue was filled with down-to-earth civilians who were just looking for great music and cheap drinks on a cold Friday night. The security guards were friendly, but firm as they prevented underaged, yet already-drunk fools from seeing the show. They wanted a trouble-free night, and so did the fans.

The first act was a cheerful blonde by the name of Greta Morgan. However, the songstress is known as Springtime Carnivore on stage. I have never heard of Springtime Carnivore until now. She walked on that stage with a heavenly presence. She, along with her band, performed songs that transported me to a white-sanded beach with pink waters and bright green clouds.

Morgan’s music is dreamlike and exuberant; one can imagine his or herself somewhere totally different when listening to it. Morgan’s music sounded somewhat familiar, but had a modern distinction. Utilizing fuzzy guitars, roaring drums, and keyboards, enhanced Morgan’s bubbly vocals. The excitement was only just beginning as Springtime Carnivore and her band kept the audience in high spirits towards the end of their set.

The Dodos would take the stage and the crowd would go berserk. Meric Long (guitar/vocals) and Logan Kroeber (drums/vocals) graced the stage like bottles of ketchup and mustard; Long was wearing red and Krober wore yellow. The California natives brought an endless amount of energy onto their set. The indie rock duo conquered the stage with twelve songs without any imperfections.

Long and Kroeber’s music is not labeled as math rock, but there was definitely a huge amount of effort and careful planning put into each of their songs. A vibraphone was not used during this live performance. Long’s live guitar loops and Kroeber’s timed drumming laid over a backtrack. Kroeber had two cymbals – one placed on top of the other – like a hi-hat. From where I was standing, it seemed as Long used his fingertips rather than a guitar pick for the entire set (I could be wrong). The Dodos have a different instrumental approach that is unlike any other band.

The Dodos’ setlist is as follows: “Goodbyes and Endings,” “Competition,” “The Season,” “Confidence,” “The Tide,” “Walking/Red & Purple,” “Black Night,” “The Current,” “Retriever,” and “Pattern/Shadow.” The duo came out again for the encore: “Joe’s Waltz,” and “Don’t Try And Hide It,” featuring Springtime Carnivore. The Dodos’ sixth studio album, Individ, is out now. I recommend you give it a listen and witness how amazing and inspiring the duo’s music is.