Second Hand Rose – Clingy

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Second Hand Rose’s music video for “Clingy” is an epic, seven-minute long tale, but with several musical breakdowns that make the sections of the story segue together nicely. The singer, decked in eyeliner and one massive dangly earring, narrates the story, singing in Mandarin with English subtitles dancing across the screen. Average-looking men pair up with drop-dead gorgeous women, and together they stage positions that represent typical relationship situations. The theme throughout it a clock,  especially a rather large, circular white one that one of the beautiful young women, clothed in a nightgown instead of her elegant dress, runs with, as if she can’t escape her biological clock. She locks the clock in a box, has her fun poisoning the many men with green wine, but when she returns to the box, our narrator has stolen her clock. Watch Second Hand Rose’s music video yourself to find out the twist to the end of the story.

Song of Second Hand Rose latest album Stealing the Show
