Don’t believe such thing exists? Don’t go anywhere. I will show you how to transform your favorite sweet treat into a healthy delight. Double benefit for you right here!
Fighting cellulite and extra pounds is every woman’s nightmare reality. But giving up on everything that you like to eat (because everything that is good must be either high in calories or immoral) and starve and suffer is not the best idea.
That is why I started looking for solutions on how to make my favorite foods healthier and lower their calories content. Today, amazing pancakes are on the menu.
So, what is the secret ingredient that fights cellulite? Potassium. Which ingredients are potassium-rich? We’ll get to it.
Changes in the Pancake Base
Your first job is to make the pancake batter healthier by changing some of the basic ingredients. Once you do that, all you need to do is find out which ingredients are packed with POTASSIUM and search for healthy and easy pancake recipes that suggest how to incorporate them.
– Replace regular flour with whole wheat, oatmeal, coconut flour, almond flour or soy flour;
– Replace regular refined sugar with honey, pure maple syrup, molasses, agave syrup or stevia;
– Choose non-dairy milk, like coconut, soy, almond or rice milk instead of regular milk;
– Choose a healthier oil variation to add in the batter and for frying, like olive oil or coconut oil;
– You can even ditch the eggs if you wish, and use flax eggs, chia eggs or another egg substitute.
Potassium-Infused Pancakes
Potassium is important for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. It is also needed for normal function of the heart, kidneys, brain and muscles.
Potassium deficiency symptoms are weight gain, cellulite, dehydration, fatigue, headaches, heart problems, increased blood pressure, muscle cramps, and swelling of glands and tissues.
Here are some suggestions on how to use potassium-rich ingredients into your pancakes.
Yogurt Pancakes
Many pancake recipes call for yogurt. Plain yogurt is very rich in potassium and can be added to the batter (3/4 cup) for extra fluffiness and moisture. It will bring extra calcium and vitamin D as well.
Avocado Pancakes
Avocado is the no.1 potassium-rich food. I love the creaminess avocado contributes to sweet and savory dishes equally. One mashed avocado in the batter will suffice. I like mixing it with banana, a cup of raspberries for freshness or a cup of chocolate chips for ultimate deliciousness.
Spinach Pancakes
Next on the list is spinach. It produces the best savory pancakes in the world. Mix it with potatoes and onion and spice with nutmeg. I love these pancakes because they taste neutral and can be combined with both sweet sides (like fruit slices) and savory ones (like mini sausages or bacon for those that don’t mind those extra calories).
Sweet Potato Pancakes
These colorful sweet potatoes with onion are perfect as lunch or light dinner, but don’t forget to serve them with sour cream and chives on top.
Banana Pancakes
Banana is often used in healthier versions of pancakes as flour and sugar substitute at the same time because it contributes thick texture and natural sweetness. You can also incorporate it into the flour-based batter, just reduce the flour amount. Complement with banana slices on top, together with pure maple syrup.
Dried Apricots Pancakes
The recipe I found calls for 1/3 cup dried apricots combined with almonds and spiced with cardamom. I also like pairing apricots with rum or, even better, bourbon. Add ¼ bourbon directly into the batter or soak the apricots in bourbon for about 30 minutes before adding them. The alcohol will evaporate almost completely during cooking, so your kids can eat these pancakes as well.
Other foods that make the top 10 list of potassium-rich foods are white beans, acorn squash, and mushrooms, so make sure you incorporate them in your savory dishes.