Nikola Tesla: 7 Secrets You Didn’t Know About His Life

Nikola Tesla is a famous inventor and physicist. Everyone has heard his name, especially in relation to electricity, but there are a few things you didn’t know about him this unique and fascinating character from history.

Number Seven: He Thought of Smartphones in 1901

Tesla was famous for being a big idea person, but oftentimes not following through with his brilliant whims. The idea for a smartphone was one of these ideas. He envisioned a handheld device that would be able to pull information out of the air.

Number Six: Nikola Tesla Hated Pearls

It’s unclear why this was the case, but it seems as though the inventor had a huge aversion to pearls, even going so far as to send his secretary home when she showed up to work wearing them. Maybe he had a bad experience with pearls as a child.

Number Five: Insomnia and OCD

Nikola was a very smart man, and people of such genius are often plagued with mental problems. He was no exception to this trend, and sleeplessness and obsessive-compulsive disorder were a couple of his struggles.

Number Four: The White Gloves

Tesa prided himself on being a dapper dresser, who took much pride in his appearance and grooming habits. He made sure to wear white gloves to dinner each and every night, and this was very important to him. Eccentric much?

Number Three: He was Poor When He Died

Such an inventive genius should have been rolling in the dough, but sadly, his smarts weren’t recognized adequately. For this reason, Nikola Tesla died dirt poor.

Number Two: A Pool Hustler

Since he was so poor, he had to get creative with ways to make money. It’s been said that Tesla would challenge people to games of pool and often win, making money this way.

Number One: Unique Nightmare-Fighting Methods

Tesla had a photographic memory and the ability to see in 3D. He would use these abilities to ward off bad dreams when he was younger. We hope you enjoyed our surprisingly and informative article about the late famous inventor, Nikola Tesla, and thank you for reading!