The video for Lord Cry Cry’s “Blind Lightnin’ Floor” starts off extremely eye catching with flowers that seem to be bopping to the beat of the song. A lilac shakes back and forth like a tambourine while mini narcissus daffodils open and close to the beat. It continues from there, with different flowers that perform the vocals, swelling up and opening and closing to mimic the sounds they are meant to be making. The camera moves around to zoom into the different types of flora as it is there turn to shine, making a sort of hypnotic, rhythmic motion to this particularly musical bouquet. Because there is such a sharp contrast with the vibrant flowers on the solid, dark black background, it really makes the sudden movements believable and interesting to see – if you watch it, you will definitely agree with the applause at the end, because this performance is stellar!
Music by Lord Cry Cry
All flowers (except Japanese quince, top right)
Directed, Photographed, Animated and Composited by Francis Kamprath
Great Thanks for the Red Curtain!
Free Stock Footage created by Phil Fried: “a little no budget video for “lord cry cry”, photographed in my home bedroom over the course of two months…”
For his new track “Blind Lightnin’ Floor,” Lord Cry Cry ordered a special band to perform live on stage:
Vocals – Daffodil
Guitar – Guernsey Lily
Bass – Hyacinth
Percussion – Sea Thrift and Freesia
Synths – Japanese Quince and Snake’s Head